Psychological Benefits of Reiki: A Qualitative Study of Patient Experiences


  • Dr. Rohan Verma Head of the Department of Vedic Astrology University of Mumbai



Reiki therapy, Qualitative study, Patient experiences, Psychological benefits, Emotional healing


The psychological benefits of Reiki therapy as perceived by patients undergoing treatment. Reiki, an alternative healing modality involving the transfer of energy through light touch or near-touch, is increasingly utilized in healthcare settings to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Through semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, this study captures the subjective experiences and perceptions of patients who have received Reiki therapy. Participants' narratives highlight themes such as emotional release, increased relaxation, improved mood, and enhanced coping mechanisms in response to stressors. Findings suggest that Reiki contributes to a sense of emotional and psychological balance, fostering feelings of calmness, clarity, and resilience among recipients. Participants describe Reiki sessions as providing a safe space for introspection and emotional healing, supporting their overall mental health and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Verma, D. R. (2024). Psychological Benefits of Reiki: A Qualitative Study of Patient Experiences. Indian Journal of Astrology and Occult, 1(1), 26–30.



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