Astrological Zodiacs and Their Impact on Beliefs and Behavior: A Psychological Perspective


  • Dr. Devanshi Rao Director of Astrological Research Indian Institute of Science



Astrology, Zodiac signs, Beliefs, Behavior, Psychological perspective


Astrological zodiacs, ingrained in cultural traditions worldwide, purportedly influence beliefs and behaviors through personalized interpretations of celestial positions and their astrological implications. the psychological dimensions of astrological zodiacs, focusing on their impact on individuals' beliefs, perceptions, and behavioral tendencies. By synthesizing insights from psychology, cultural studies, and astrology, the research aims to elucidate the mechanisms through which zodiac signs shape personal identities and interpersonal dynamics. Drawing on established psychological theories and empirical studies, the investigation navigates the complex interplay between astrological zodiacs and human cognition. It examines how individuals internalize astrological narratives, integrate zodiac-based insights into self-concepts, and use them to interpret social interactions and life events. The study also considers cultural variations in astrological practices, highlighting how diverse cultural contexts influence the reception and interpretation of zodiacal influences.



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How to Cite

Rao, D. D. (2024). Astrological Zodiacs and Their Impact on Beliefs and Behavior: A Psychological Perspective. Indian Journal of Astrology and Occult, 1(1), 46–50.



Original Research Articles
