Author Guidelines

The Indian Journal of Astrology and Occult (IJAO) welcomes high-quality submissions that contribute to the understanding and advancement of astrology, occult studies, and related fields. These guidelines are intended to help authors prepare their manuscripts for submission. Please read them carefully before submitting your work.

Types of Manuscripts
1. Original Research Articles
2. Review Articles
3. Short Communications
4. Case Studies
5. Editorials and Commentaries

Manuscript Preparation
1. Language: Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise English or Hindi. Authors who are not native speakers are encouraged to seek assistance from a professional editing service.

2. Formatting:
Use standard 12-point font (Times New Roman) and double-space the text.
Include page numbers in the lower right corner.
Ensure margins of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides.

3. Structure

Title Page: Include the title, authors' names, affiliations, and contact information for the corresponding author.
Abstract: Provide a concise summary of the manuscript (250-300 words).
Keywords: List 3-5 relevant keywords.
Introduction: Introduce the research topic, objectives, and significance.
Methods: Describe the research design, methods, and materials used.
Results: Present the findings of the study, supported by tables and figures as appropriate.
Discussion: Interpret the results and discuss their implications.
Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and suggest future research directions.
References: Use APA style for citations and references. Include only works cited in the manuscript.

4. Tables and Figures

Include tables and figures within the text, following the paragraph where they are first mentioned.
Number tables and figures consecutively and provide descriptive captions.

5. Ethical Considerations

Ensure that all research involving human participants or animals complies with ethical standards and has been approved by relevant ethical review boards.
Include a statement confirming ethical approval and informed consent where applicable.

Submission Process
1. Online Submission
Submit manuscripts through our online submission system.
Create an account or log in to submit your manuscript and track its progress.

2. Cover Letter:
Include a cover letter addressing the editor, highlighting the significance of your work and its relevance to the journal's scope.

3. Peer Review:
All submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process. Ensure that identifying information is removed from the manuscript to maintain anonymity.

4. Revisions:
Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments. Resubmit the revised manuscript with a detailed response to reviewers' comments.

5. Publication Fees:
There is no financial barrier to publication of manuscripts in IJAO. No Submission Fees, Article Processing Charges (APC) or any other fees is charged from Author or author's Institution. The complete Expenses of Journal are sponsored by Shodh Sagar.

1. Proofreading: Authors will receive proofs for final review before publication. Carefully check for any errors and return corrections promptly.

2. Publication:
Accepted manuscripts will be published online in the next available issue. Authors will be notified once their work is published.

We appreciate your interest in publishing with the Indian Journal of Astrology and Occult (IJAO). Adhering to these guidelines will help expedite the review and publication process, ensuring that your work reaches our readers efficiently.